Sophisticated illustrations for Vegetable Packaging Design

Vegetables are an important part of healthy eating and provide a source of many nutrients, including potassium, fiber and vitamins A, E and C. They are very important for our well being and during cold season canned vegetables are a very good alternative. Canned fruits and vegetables are a convenient, tasty and nutritious way to boost intake of produce – and at a good value. Frozen vegetables may be more nutritious than fresh ones that have been shipped over long distances. The advantage of frozen fruits and vegetables is that they usually are picked when they're ripe so the taste is amazing. However most of the time the design for the cans or bags is not really attractive. With this vegetable packaging design we tried to change just that, so we created some sophisticated handmade illustrations to represent the juicy tomato and the delicious beans. Did you know? In 1795, Napoleon Bonaparte offere...