Cup Design

In ancient Mesopotamia, cups were made for a variety of purposes, possibly including the transportation and drinking of alcoholic beverages. In England, cups have been discovered which date back to several thousand years.

A coffee cup may also be a disposable cup in which hot beverages, including coffee, can be contained. Disposable coffee cups may be made out of paper or polystyrene foam. At coffee shops, paper cups are commonly used to give beverages to customers on the go. A new alternative trend sees consumers purchasing reusable coffee cups instead of disposable cups as a more sustainable approach to coffee consumption becomes more popular. 

Cups are also very trendy for ice cream stands. As ice cream grew in popularity in the 19th century, roving vendors began selling it on city streets in a variety of cups and containers.

Cup design is very important because it is part of the branding strategy. It usually shows company logo and also a catchy design to make the customers have a bit of fun.

Cup Design

Did you know? The first ice cream cone was produced in 1896 by Italo Marchiony. Marchiony, who emigrated from Italy in the late 1800s, invented his ice cream cone in New York City. He was granted a patent in December 1903.

An ice-cream-like food was first eaten in China in 618-97AD. King Tang of Shang, had 94 ice men who helped to make a dish of buffalo milk, flour and camphor. A kind of ice-cream was invented in China about 200 BC when a milk and rice mixture was frozen by packing it into snow. 


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